Copyright Information

The purpose of this site is to promote interest in the works of Frank Lloyd Wright and encourage the preservation of his buildings. Those who submit materials to be published at this website retain copyright of their photographs and text. Copyright ownership is noted at the bottom of each page.

The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is the proprietor of copyrighted and trademarked materials related to Wright's work as well as the right of publicity associated with the name, likeness, voice, signature and visual representation of the late Frank Lloyd Wright.

Here is the email chain related to limited permission to post materials related to Frank Lloyd Wright:

-- Original Message --
From: Suzette Lucas
To: David Sides
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: Exploring the Works of Frank Lloyd Wright website

Hi David:

I checked with Beth Mylander at Taliesin Preservation Inc. about your request to take interior photos while on your tour at Taliesin. TPI controls public access at Taliesin. Beth said they would NOT be able to grant you permission to take interior photos since they would not be allowing the other tourists on your group to take interior photos.

As you know, any photos you take at Taliesin are for personal use only.

We will grant you permission to post the exterior photos on your site, provided:

1) You include your copyright notice next to the image and you agree that you will not grant anyone else permission to use the images.

2) You include the following notice along with the Taliesin photos/info:

"All of the models, drawings, designs and works of Frank Lloyd Wright and Taliesin Architects seen at Taliesin are the exclusive property of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and Taliesin Architects and may not be photographed, reproduced, copied or duplicated without the express written consent of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Use with permission from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ."

I hope this information is helpful.


Suzette Lucas
Director External Affairs

-- Original Message --
From: David Sides
To: Suzette Lucas
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 11:19 PM
Subject: Exploring the Works of Frank Lloyd Wright website

Dear Ms. Lucas,

I enjoyed our conversation on the phone today regarding copyright and use issues related to Frank Lloyd Wright materials. As I indicated on the phone, it is my desire to adhere to your policies concerning the protection of your organization's rights and am only interested in pursuing my interest in FLW as a hobby and service to other enthusiasts.

[... edited ...]

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and thank you for your efforts in preserving and promoting Frank Lloyd Wright's works!

David Sides